Springville Elementary After School Club

Springville Elementary After School Art Club

Schedule : Tuesday 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM for Ages 5 and up
Class Projects: Each class will be Fine Art (Drawing/Painting), Clay, Arts & Crafts, or Art & Calligraphy that follows the same curriculum as our After School Program
Duration: 10 classes from 10/1/24 – 12/10/24 (No Class on 11/26/24)
Cost: $300 for 10 sessions
All Supplies Provided & Included in the tuition

After School Program Class Curriculum
Fine Art
ClayArts & CraftsDigital ArtAnimationSTEM Classes
August 2024Projects teaching/reviewing color theory and fundamental concepts of drawing/designProjects teaching/reviewing pinch and pull techniquesProjects involving symmetry, folding, binding with glue or tying
Origami, book making)

Introduction to Procreate – UI, Important sub-menus such as how to add references or change settings, LayersIntro to Flipbooks and basic frame-by-frame animation (frame rates, holding frames, etc)The Science of Bubbles
September 2024Projects teaching Elements of Composition,
Positive & Negative Space

Projects teaching coil methods, slip and score techniquesProjects involving beginning level sculpture, architecture, weavingIntroduction to Digital Art – Clipping Masks, Fill Tool, Layer Groups, Selection + Transform ToolIntro to Procreate Dreams – More detailed dive on the UI, functions, and capabilities of Procreate DreamsPhysics of Mechanisms
October 2024Projects teaching how to create sense of light and shadow/the illusion of 3D with different mediumsProjects teaching slab methods using different types of clayProjects involving beginning level beading, printmaking, box makingCustomizing your Experience – Adding Gesture Controls, Importing/Making New Brushes, etcPrinciples of Animation 1-3: Squash and Stretch, Anticipation, and StagingThe Solar System

November 2024
Projects that teach the Drawing and Painting of Compositions from Different Viewpoints from ObservationProjects teaching additive/subtractive methodsProjects involving mobile making, quilling, ornament making Workflow Efficiency – Learning ways to speed up your workflow through combination of previously learned skills, such as selecting an area then using clipping masks to eliminate the need to worry about going outside the linesPrinciples of Animation 4-6: Straight Ahead Action + Pose to Pose, Follow Through + Overlapping Action, Slow in + Slow OutElectricity and Miniature Robots
December 2024Projects that teach drawing, sketching and painting from observation, photography, or student’s own CompositionProjects using a combination of technique to create 3D formProjects involving sign making, wreath makingValue Studying – Using Digital Art to easily set up and work on Value StudiesPrinciples of Animation 7-9: Arc, Secondary Action, and TimingThe Science of Toys
January 2025Projects that teach drawing and painting with the right proportion in animals, humans, and architectureProjects teaching different methods for making figurinesProjects involving candle making, paper makingPerspective – Learn how to set up Perspective Grids in Procreate, as well as how perspective works in real lifePrinciples of Animation 10-12: Exaggeration, Solid Drawing, and AppealGeneral Chemistry
February 2025Projects that teach/review different movements of art and art stylesProjects imitating famous masterpieces, using different types of clayProjects involving puzzle making, 3D Cards, papermacheCollecting Good Reference – (Optionally using VizRef) The importance of using reference in your artStudents create their own extended animation with figure drawing theme/their own character designKitchen Chemistry/General Engineering
March 2025Projects that teach students how to utilize different art movements and artist styles in their own artworkProjects using designs and patterns from different culturesProjects involving plaster, loom weaving, bag makingUnusual Workflows - Start with a combination of filters, colors, and altered images on your piece to give yourself a new way to work.Students create their own extended animation with fantasy themePolymers & Slime
April 2025Projects that teach students modern art techniques, combining different mediums and art stylesProjects teaching students how to make utensils, housewares, and toolsProjects involving lantern making, pour art, braiding, rock paintingBasics of Composition – Rule of thirds, value differences, guiding linesStudents create their own extended animation with animal themeThe Science of Flight
May 2025Projects that teach students how to use 3D concepts to create their own artworkProjects combining different techniques with different types of clayProjects involving pin dolls, frame making, lamp shade makingWhen Colors Don’t Work – Ways to set up your painting to more easily change out colors if they aren’t working as you go.Students create their own extended animation with travel themeScience of Plants
June 2025Students can create their own artwork under the instruction of the teacher, focusing on a particular medium each classStudents can design their own clay piece under the instruction of the teacher with a different type of clay each classProjects involving pencil holder/container making, Resin, lacingOne Big ProjectStudents create their own extended animation with travel themeAnimal Science
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