Essential Items for Summer Camp

Essential Items for Summer Camp


Summers are incomplete without summer camps for kids. Isn’t it? Summer camps are an excellent place for making new friends and meeting kids from different backgrounds and places. Camping allows kids to set their minds free on a ride of exploring creativity with no boundaries.

Attending Summer Camp is always a good ingredient for the growth of kids. Not just physical health, Summer Camps have proven effects on kids’ brains and expand their surface of thinking.

Apart from all the developmental and growth talks, Summer Camps are full of fun for kids. The joy begins from planning to go to a summer camp and remains intact throughout the camping time. The real fun part of summer camps is packing. The level of excitement of kids is clearly visible on their faces, and it puts kids in a situation where they need to work their minds out to think about all the things they need to carry to the summer camp.

Being a parent, you stand responsible if your kids forget to keep some essentials. Make sure to check the following list of essential items that your kids must not forget to carry.

1. Special First Aid

Your kids are all set to leave for the super fun days of the summer to the best summer camp. In some cases, kids are allergic to certain foods. If the same goes with your kid, don’t forget to keep their medication with them. Also, make sure to inform the person in charge or the instructor of the camp about the same.

Another most common but essential thing the kids should be taking to the camps is an anti-mosquito lotion or a mosquito net if bugs and mosquitoes regularly visit the campsite.

2. Proper clothes

Pack your kids with comfortable clothes for summer track. Kids should be having enough clothes based on the duration of camp. Kids perform a lot of physical activities during Summer Camp. It thus becomes necessary for kids to carry some extra pair of clothes.

The weather can also change abruptly, and kids should bring a few jackets to beat the cold weather. There is absolutely no need to mention to pack socks, gloves, and pajamas.

3. Wet Wipes

Wet wipes come in very handy when students want to do a quick cleaning of their hands or other areas during or in between class to save time and stay comfortable. They can also conveniently use the wipes to clean their own belongings when needed so they don’t bring cleaned items home.

4. Extra T-shirt

Art World School camps involved the use of various art materials and mediums, so an extra t-shirt is recommended to keep students from getting their clothes dirty. Art World School always supplies aprons for students but an extra t-shirt will also help with keeping their own clothes clean.

Best Summer Camps in Portland

Art World School has been organizing fun-packed Summer Camps for years. To add an unforgettable experience to kids’ lives, the summer camps we organize are infused with fun and learning elements.

Learn more about the ongoing registration of Winter Camps from here.

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